Client Testimonials:

Sarah has profound intelligence where healing is concerned. A proponent of both Western and Eastern modalities, she brings a universal awareness and holistic inquiry to each client. She is genuinely invested in the health history of each individual, she guides them on their unique path of personal renewal and optimized health.
— Bronwen Murch

The most incredible, best reflexology I have ever had.

— Tanya kutschera

Immediate relief from back pain. She puts all of her energy into making sure you feel relief. Even in the first 10 minutes of a treatment . She’s a healer . The best.

— pam springer

Sarah helped me feel able to walk when I was dealing with a major back issue.

— Emery calo-vest

Sarah knows what’s happening with my body as she works on my feet. She makes healthy recommendations.

— amanda mann


Sarah at Amanda Ross Skincare Salon in Bolinas, CA circa 2016.